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standards ANSI/AWWA C504-10 (2010) and ANSUAWWA C516-10 (2010) with essen tially full-ported designs where the port diameter and disc diameter are close to the nominal pipe size (NPS) or nominal diameter (in inches [in.] or millimeters [mml).

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ANSI/AWWA C504-10 Rubber-Sealed Butterfly Valves, 3 in (74mm) through 72 in (1800mm) American Water Works Association / 06-Oct-2010 / 48 pages

AWWA C504, Butterfly Valve, Size 3"-24", 150PSI/250PSI FIG. 2102(2103). Working Pressure :150PSI for ANSI B16.1 Class125 flange. 250PSI for ANSI B16.1 Class250 flange. MJ x MJ end valve pressure can be both 150PSI and Large diameter / AWWA C504 227P 379 227P-03 200 H 2 H 1 L p.c.d.C D Dimensions Nominal size Dimension(mm) 650 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2100 2250 2400 26 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 Back to AWWA C509-15 Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service (PDF) This standard describes iron-body resilient-seated gate valves with nonrising stems (NRS) and outside screw-and-yoke (OS&Y) rising stems, including tapping gate valves, for water supply service having a temperature range of 33° to 125°F (0.6° to 52°C). Awwa C504 Pdf Free Download, Of Monsters And Men Beneath The Skin Download, Bahubali 2 Movie Tamil Torrent Download, Ruby Code To Download A File In Chef One of the best freeware graphics editors. ANSI/AWWA C504-10 Rubber-Sealed Butterfly Valves, 3 in (74mm) through 72 in (1800mm) American Water Works Association / 06-Oct-2010 / 48 pages

AWWA C504-15 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves -- 43504-2015 This standard covers rubber-seated butterfly valves, 3 in. (75 mm) through 72 in. (1,800 mm) in diameter, with various body and end types, for fresh and reclaimed

of AWWA C504 Class 150B. Shaft Sealing Self-Sealing Y-type or V-type rings can provide excellent sealing, low abrasion, long service life when fluid pressure increases. Shaft Connection Disc-shaft connection is achieved by use The American-BFV® Butterfly Valves provide long life, low headloss and trouble-free performance. The butterfly valve actuator of choice for shut-off service in water systems. We are premiere Butterfly Valves Manufacturers. The Keystone Series GR is a general purpose resilient seated butterfly valve available in flanged, lugged or wafer body style for any service where drop-tight shut-off and maximum flow area is required. Wafer and lugged body design Cert No. 0062 KAB-QC-30 ISO 9001 Cert No. QMS-0549 KSA BUTTERFLY VALVES CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE #75-8, MORA-DONG, SASANG-GU, BUSAN, KOREA TEL +82-51-305-3770 FAX +82-51-305-3737INTERNET AWWA C508-09 Swing-Check Valves For Waterworks Service 2-In Through 24-In (50-Mm Through 600-Mm) Nps This standard covers only iron-body, bronze-mounted, nonassisted, swing-check valves, 2-24 in.

4. Test standard: AWWA C504 AWWA C 504 Type - Bu ©erfly Valves SPECIAL FEATURES 21 3” ~ 24” AWWA Bu ©erfly Valve Design Specifica ons Sha L Seal Self-sealing Y-type or V-type rings provide excellent sealing, low AWWA C504-10 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves, 3 In. (75 mm) through 72 In. (1,800 mm) AWWA C507-11 Ball Valves, 6 in. through 60 in. (150 mm through 1,500 mm) AWWA C508-09 Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks

Complete list of AWWA/ANSI Standards available. The American Water Works Association first published consensus documents in 1908. Today there are more than 180 AWWA Standards. From source to storage, from treatment to

AWWA C504 Sizing Guide: AWWA C504 Sizing Guide ※pdf、jpegのファイル形式に対応。 ※2016年8月時点。順次追加予定。 ※原稿ガラスでコピーする時のみ使用できます。 カードの表面・裏面を読み取り、 用紙の上下に集約してコピーする 機能です。例えば免許証や保険証 などの控えをとる際に便利です。 pub-iw12is12ib4awwa agr1.pdf: iw12 is12 ib4 awwa c504-06 quarter turn gearbox 1800, 1920, 2160 & 2400:1 ratios manual input with fa14 flange: fa40/fa48 baseplate AWWA C207 (-13) - Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service, Sizes 4 in. Through 144 In. (100 mm Through 3600 mm) AWWA C208 (-12) - Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings; AWWA C220 (-12) - Stainless-Steel Pipe, 1/2 In (13mm) and Larger; AWWA C221 (-12) - Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type Expansion Joints 株式会社昭和バルブ製作所「リングセット型7.5k逆止弁急閉式」の製品詳細ページです。 昭和バルブ製作所は早くからiso9001を取得し、国内のみならず輸出、輸入に力を入れ積極的に海外活動を行なっているバルブの製造メーカーです。 imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5051/C5045/C5035/C5030は、大量出力ニーズに応えるオフィス向けカラー複合機です。幅広いラインアップから最適なモデルをお選びいただけます。